
The Community Enterprise has several sessions that we deliver throughout the week, each session is designed and created to support people to maximise their potential, gain skills and grow in confidence. Some of the sessions we offer are:

  • Performance and dance
  • Gym
  • Boxing class
  • Animal Care
  • Skills workshop
  • Life skills

As well as the regular sessions, we are committed to being flexible to meet the support needs of people in a variety of ways such as evening and weekend support, support into employment and education.


The Community Enterprise

Why Choose The Community Enterprise?

The community enterprise is an exciting, dynamic and forward-thinking service. We take pride in delivering a service that is designed to fulfil peoples lives. Here, you will find a warm, friendly, encouraging and motivational team of skilled people who are here to support you to reach for the stars!

Co-production is at the heart of what we do. We work incredibly closely with the person we support, families/carers and other professionals to ensure that we are supporting you to create the best package of support for you.

Meet the manager(