Our Complex Service Design

We have many years’ experience of working with people with Learning Disabilities and Autism with complex histories. We use this experience to guide our design the individual’s support. This can be demonstrated in our ‘triangle of support’ which is broken into three domains.
The first is Relationships; our experience tells us that getting those right will help the person to form concrete and meaningful relationships with their team. We encourage people to choose their team, and this is often to match their interests, their age, and their gender.
The second is Environment; our experience of providing the right environment in which the individual can flourish is crucial to a successful placement for someone with a complex history. Often the environment with adaptations can make a difference to a successful outcome. This may include the physical environment such as location, size, how many rooms etc. or it can be about making it more specific to needs such as autism friendly, visual stimulations and auditory senses support.
The third is Therapeutic support; our experienced team have worked with people with Learning Disability, Autism and complex histories and are able to design individual support packages that draw on therapeutic interventions. This may include DBT, CBT, Trauma Informed Care and all underpinned by Positive Behaviour Support.

We work to transform support and we work with Individuals with complex histories which includes forensic needs

We endeavour to improve people’s access to great support and offer a service that meets needs, balances risks, and is in the right location. The way we operate is centred on supporting people to have a fulfilled life in an ordinary community setting.
Our approach is individualised at all stages, working with people to plan support that enables them to move forward. We aim to reduce support where appropriate.
Fulfilling lives is about helping people move towards greater independence, helping people achieve their desired outcomes and all the while being happy on the journey.